Rabu, 28 Juni 2017

Tugas 4 Bahasa Inggris 2 Adjective and Adverb


Adjective adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan noun ( kata benda ) dan pronoun ( kata ganti ) .
1.      kalimat dengan 1 (Satu) adjective :
1.      I want to live in a beautiful Garden.
2.      She has four children. They are so talkactive
3.      The cat is very aggressive.
4.      I knew that my uncle was angry.
5.      The annual firework festival in this country is so creative.

2.      kalimat dengan 2 (dua) adjective :
1.      She is tall and interesting.
2.       She is pretty but fat.
3.      He is not stupid but lazy.
4.      Gita is friendly and beautiful.
5.      The class is so clean and big.

3.      kalimat dengan lebih dari 2 (dua) adjective :
1.      I love the big antique green American car which is parked in front of the hotel.
2.      Yunisa buy some short new Indonesia cotton jacket.
3.       Keep good work and become professional to make your brighter future.
4.      His eyes are very mesmerizing to every young woman. He is so adorable.
5.      Those clever and smart men got the achievement from the president because of their good work in helping poor citizen in the village.

2.      ADVERB
Adverb adalah kata yang digunakan untuk memberikan keterangan
A.    Adverb of manner :
1.      The prince and the princess live happily ever after.
2.      When she is in a hurry she writes quickly.
3.       she suddenly came without let me know first.
4.       They need to do the work together.
5.      My brother always talk to me gently.

B.     Adverb of frequency :
1.      I usually go to campus at 8 o’clock in the morning.
2.       Sometimes I feel bored with my job.
3.       My sister often brings me a bucket of flowers.
4.      She never hang out with her friends without make up.
5.      Risma seldom visits her parents at her hometown.

C.     Adverb of time :
1.      Today, Putri will move to my new house.
2.      I want you to meet me now at my office.
3.      I and my friend went to Lombok last year.
4.      My brother will have a birthday party tomorrow.
5.      The company has operated since 2010.

D.    Adverb of place :
1.      He is watching the football match there.
2.      Irma works in Batam for a while.
3.       Melda on a flight to Surabaya .
4.      The jet plane flew above.
5.      My mother is on his flight to Medan